MsgEdit MsgBox Editor Form2 Label2 Enter MsgBox &Title Here: TitleEdit TitleOK Label3 3Use Control-Return (or click on OK) to accept text. TitleClear Clear Label1 Enter MsgBox &Message Here: MessageEdit " MessageOK MessageClear Clear Label3 QUse Return to start new line, and Control-Return (or click on OK) to accept text. Finished &Finished! Hints &Hints TitleMsg &Title... MsgMsg &Message... EditMsg &Editing... AboutMsg &About... Command3_Click Text1_Change TitleOK_Click TheTitle TitleEdit Texta TitleClear_Click MessageOK_Click- CheckString TheMessage TheText TheType Boolean StrMsg LenMsgo TRUEN FALSE StringState| FreshMessage MessageEdit AReturn MessageClear_Click TitleEdit_Change Finished_Click MsgEdit AnAnswer AnAnser RETRY MsgBxGen Form_Click4 Form_LoadE TheAnswerJ MessageEdit_Change WordText CReturn RawMessage AboutMsg_Click Form_KeyUp| KeyCode Shift# Text1_KeyDown Key_F2$ SHIFT_MASK CTRL_MASK ALT_MASK ShiftDown AltDown CtrlDowng CtlDown7 Text1 MsgEdit_KeyDown, KEY_RETURN TitleEdit_KeyPress KeyAscii MessageEdit_KeyUp Finished TitleEdit_KeyUp TitleMsg_Click Hints_Click TheStyle Title MsgMsg_Click EditMsg_Click Message Editing MBAbout Label3_Click Index CopyCtl TitleOK_Click TitleClear_Click MessageOK_Click CheckString VB will will truncate this long word at the 255th character. Try again! VB will only allow 1,024 characters in a message box. Try again!" String Error String Error MessageClear_Click Finished_Click What good's a message box without a message? String Error MessageEdit_KeyUp Display key combinations. What good's a message box without a message? String Error TitleEdit_KeyUp Display key combinations. TitleMsg_Click Any word (series of characters with no intervening spaces) is truncated at the 255th character. Titles longer than the width of the monitor are not very helpful as messages. The Title" MsgMsg_Click The message box function/procedure will only accept messages 1,024 characters" long. Longer messages will be truncated at the 1,024th character. Words (any series of characters without intervening spaces) will be truncated at the 255th character. The Message" EditMsg_Click Instructions for editing are placed below the edit boxes. You may embed carriage returns" in the Message section by pressing Return. You can accept the text by pressing Control-Return in either the Title or TheMessage$ = TheMessage$ + " the Message Box. You may also use a mouse to click on the OK buttons and the Finished button." Editing" AboutMsg_Click